Bringing Back the Music Video

We curate and exhibit music videos produced by independent artists.
From the thousands of videos submitted to YouTube daily,
we bring you the best.

These are the AI animated, fan-made, unofficial & student music videos made by independent artists that have made our Top-10 list over the last week.
Ranked by TikiKiti ratings.

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These are a collection of the top fan-made and unofficial videos we've curated.


Since TikiKiti started we have watched and rated over 60,000 videos. That officially qualifies as a 'buttload.'

- TikiKiti


Artist Spotlight

Brian P

From Denmark here is BP Video Syd or now AI by BP. Brian P has been creating AI animations since the dawn of the medium. He has been creating animations since the early 2000's. He is always working with the latest AI applications, including the music creation apps, and always with amazing results.


Other Artists

About TikiKiti

We Love Indie
Music Producers!

Celebrating the indie fan-made and unofficial music video producer - that’s who we are.

Have fan-made, or unofficial music videos?

We rate the best fan-made and unofficial music video and award the best ones with the Barclay Award.

If you want, we will promote your videos!

Because successful producers make great fan-made and unofficial music videos.

How We Rate?

We rate videos on three criteria: production quality, creativity/performance and editing.



Cinematography, lighting, camera movements, sets, locations — all of these make up what we call “Production Quality.” And it doesn’t mean a big budget. It’s more about great ideas and inspired execution.

Creativity & Performance


We put these two together because they are so linked especially since so many
videos involve acting, singing and dancing. Standing out in the crowd requires creativity, energy and originality.



Cutting on motion, guiding eye movement, color timing... this is where good
videos come together. Good editing is more than just cutting on the beat, and it
helps good ideas and performances shine.

Submit Video

Option 1

Add "#TikiKiti" hashtag in your YouTube's video Title or Description.*Learn More Hashtags Here @ YouTube

Option 2

Add "TikiKiti" in your
YouTube's video Tags.*
Learn More About Tags Here @ YouTube
Tip: You may also use the following hashtags (in fact, we suggest
you use them all) #tikikiti; #tikikitifest; #tikikitifilmfestival; #tkiff;

Option 3

You can directly send us your video. We just need a email address to be able to contact you.

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A community you didn’t know you were a part of….

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Barclay Award & Jason Popow

We have been following Jason Popow since the beginning of the year. The videos on his YouTube channel amount to a memoir or an anthology of his life. We are doing something we haven't done before with our Barclay Award. We are awarding it to him for a body of work, not just for a single video. In this article, which is part 2 of 2, we discuss and show his outstanding work that won him our award.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Barclay Award & Mike Krumlauf

We have been following Mike Krumlauf since the beginning of the year. He has been a constant and consistent presence for his quality videos. We are doing something we haven't done before with our Barclay Award. We are awarding it to him for a body of work, not just for a single video. In this article, which is part 1 of 2, we discuss and show his outstanding work that won him our award.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Brian P

From Denmark here is BP Video Syd or now AI by BP. Brian P has been creating AI animations since the dawn of the medium. He has been creating animations since the early 2000's. He is always working with the latest AI applications, including the music creation apps, and always with amazing results.

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